Viv Delo

31 Miles in May: Move it for Mental Health 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 60 kms

I'm fundraising for helping those who need it the most.

I am taking part in Move it for Mental Health! Please support me and donate today.

I am doing this for people who need it, whether they can’t reach out or struggle too at least they will have the support they need if they do.

My Achievements

I added a blog post

I self donated

I shared my page

Halfway there

Officially a fundraising hero

My Updates


Wednesday 29th May
I just want to say a massive thank you for those amazing people who have been supporting me through this long journey I honestly can’t thank you enough! I have finally completed 60km, when I think back to where I was at the start of May I never thought I would even be able to run 5km. I have now completed 60km and I’ve ran 10km which is a massive personal achievement, but I definitely couldn’t have done it without those who have supported me during the whole process it’s given me so much motivation. So one final thank you xxx

Almost half way through!!!!

Wednesday 8th May
I have hit 24km today and im so proud of my journey so far, thank you again to all the generous donations.

Day 2 ✅

Friday 3rd May
Windy, soggy and rainy this morning but it’s all done!!!! Thank you so much for the support we’ve raised a massive £122 thank you to everyone who’s been donating it’s amazing and means so much to me and those who were supporting xxxx One more run to go this week! 

Morning run

Wednesday 1st May
Thank you to everyone who has been donating these past few days it not only matters a lot to me but to those who need it the most. I have just completed day 1 ✅ of 6km. Considering I was struggling to run 2km a month ago this a big achievement for me so thank you for all the kind messages :)

Tomorrow is the day!!!

Tuesday 30th Apr
I am so excited to show my support for such a wonderful charity that changes so many important  lives, I feel honoured to be a part of it. I have never been a strong runner, but I am challenging and pushing myself to hopefully be part of the solution. 

Thank you to my Sponsors



Congratulations from all the Taylors and special congrats from Brett (with dodgy knees) who can't run 100m let alone 60km


Mum And Dad

Well done Viv!! You smashed it! XX


Pamela Addley

Well done Viv, very proud of you. X


Zac Smith

Amazing stuff, can't congratulate you enough!!!



Good luck Viv!



So proud of you! Well done xx


Viv Delo


Harley Darby


Freddie Mcmullan

Good luck Viv !!


Matilda Ford

you got this viv!! love u lots hope this helps



Good luck :)


Henry Morgan

Good luck



Supporting you all the way lass


Henry Morgan

Good luck


Evelyn Lotta Barbasiewicz

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