Vanya & Clide

GLOW London 2024

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Vanya & Clide’s Mental Health Walk

Tuesday 24th Sep

Clide and I are taking on a 20km walk on 19th October in support of Mental Health UK, an incredible organization formed by four established charities across the UK with over 50 years of experience in mental health support. They tackle some of the most pressing societal challenges affecting mental health, including financial struggles, navigating mental health services, loneliness, isolation, and building resilience in young people.


This cause is deeply personal to both of us, as we’ve each faced mental health struggles over the past couple of years. Clide has had two leg injuries, and I’ve been dealing with ongoing back pain and recently discovering thyroid issues. We’ve both found therapy to be a vital tool in managing our mental health, but we’re also taking on this long walk around beautiful London to boost our physical health and mental well-being.


Walking releases endorphins—those feel-good chemicals—and is great for reducing stress, anxiety, and improving mood. It also helps lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, which can help us relax and unwind. Mental health is still a difficult topic for many to talk about, but we believe more people should feel comfortable asking for help.


We know times are tough, but any donation, no matter how small, will help individuals with complex mental health needs get the support they deserve. Thank you so much for your ongoing support! 💙