Sarah Bramwell

31 Miles in May: Move it for Mental Health 2024

My Activity Tracking


My target 50 kms

I'm fundraising for... everyone like me !

I am taking part in Move it for Mental Health! Please support me and donate today.  I have had a really tough few years and it all came to a head recently. I'm not looking for sympathy, everyone has hard times and that's just the point ! I was looking for, needed support and understanding which I didn't get .So many people suffer with mental health in silence for many reasons.  I found that people that were close to me, friends and family, didn't understand and didn't know how to help or how to deal with me, often causing even more problems, getting 'proper' help was a minefield and the NHS was too little too late. Mental health can show in many forms, initially it didn't even cross my mind I was suffering from 'mental health' Im a strong independent woman who can cope with everything.... but I eventually realised I was ill. If we want labels, Depression, anxiety, panic attacks and worse and I eventually hit as low as you can go.

 I was one of the lucky ones, I'm a tough cookie with history as a counsellor, but even cookies crumble at times, but I've managed to somehow self help and I'm on the rocky road to being well again.  This walk is helping as its giving me a focus, purpose to keep going and help others who may not be as lucky as me.  Please support me today with as much as you can spare. Thank you x

My Achievements

I added a blog post

I self donated

I shared my page

Halfway there

Officially a fundraising hero

My Updates

Quick update

Sunday 5th May
Nice little stroll along the river to rack up another few miles 

Nearly time …

Monday 29th Apr
One day before 1st May and the start of my 31 miles in May walk for Mental Health Uk….
I’m really looking forward to it. I’m so grateful that I’ve hit my target already but you can still sponsor me and give whatever you can to a great cause. Let’s hope it’s a nice dry month 🤞😊 
Thank you x

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sarah Bramwell

Thank you Shell and Harry for your donation - much appreciated X


Ellie Morton


Leanne Broxson

Just remember how much good you do and inspire others. I appreciate you 😊xx






I understand ❤️‍🩹 xxx


Colin Mitchell

Good luck, Sarah - not all heros wear capes!


Rachel Hegarty

Brilliant Sarah, what a great thing to do and good luck- Rachel, Pepper and Romany xx




Sarah Bramwell

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