Samantha Foster

GLOW Edinburgh

Glow Edinburgh October 2024

On 19th April 2020, my family lost my little cousin due to her battle with mental health, aged 20. I have considered doing a charity sky dive or hill climb in her memory and could never decide what to do, a hill sounding too painful (lazy gal) or skydiving something I would find too fun and therefore not challenging at all. 

On 21st July 2024, my eldest cousin also took his own life leaving behind a young family and many loved ones, aged 33. I came across the 20km GLOW walk in Edinburgh for Mental Health UK and immediately signed up to take part on 5th October 2024. 

I am taking part in memory of both of my cousins as well as a friend also gone to soon. Having faced my own mental health challenges, I've had to rely on charity-based support when the NHS couldn't provide the help I needed - charities like Mental Health UK are incredibly important. Not only for the services they provide but also the awareness these events and charities bring to important causes. 

Although mental health and suicide are frequently mentioned these days they remain deeply taboo topics. 

I've often avoided talking openly about my younger cousins passing, fearing it might upset others or make them uncomfortable. I never want to witness the pain and devastation caused by suicide again. It's ugly, heartbreaking, and leaves lasting scars on all those affected. It is so important to discuss the reality of mental health issues and hopefully help to prevent another family experiencing the tragedy of suicide.

I would be very grateful if you could sponsor my walk for a cause very close to my heart. 


My Achievements

Has Fundraising Page

Updated Profile Pic

Thanked Donor

Increased Fundraising Target

Self Donated

Raised £200

50% of Fundraising Target

Reached Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sarah & Bru

Good luck and best wishes, love Sarah and Bru xx


Alex Benton

Good luck Sam, you'll smash it!



Proud of you Sam, keep being strong and it's amazing cause to be raising awareness for as well - especially in this day and age when it's more relevant to make mental health lesson of a taboo subject. Always make sure you check in with people, just asking how someone really is doing can make all the difference


Cameron Morris

You’ve got this !!!


Gavin Cooper

Good Luck Sam! A touching cause, well done 😉


Otis Taylor

Go on Sam! 🤗


Naiomi Foster

Good Luck! Make sure you get some good trainers!



Good luck Sam you have got this!x


Dave Foster

Goodluck Sam. Love from David, Diane, James & Emelia xx



Well done mate. You are one of the strongest people I know. Good luck 😊


Valerie Wilson

Well done Sam. Such a worthy cause.


Douglas Foster

Well perhaps after you have done this you can come on a few Munro's. Best thing ever for helping with mental health issues or everyday stress.


Donna-marie Foster

Very proud of you. 💜💜💜


Jennie And Terry

For a very good cause Sam. I'm sure you'll smash it! Good luck sweetheart xx


Thomas Foster

Love you Sammy, you got this!

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