Sahiba Tember

GLOW London 2024

Fundraising for Mental Health UK

I came across the GLOW walk that Mental Health UK are hosting this October and knew I needed to be part of it. Something so simple for such a complex cause; how could I say no?

The premise of the event is that participants will walk a route through London in two waves, at night, in response to donations raised. The theme may just be for fun, but to me, the glow symbolises the yearn for visibility that people suffering with poor mental health have.

I will be conducting this walk in true Sahiba fashion - with glow in the dark hair and costume. The more I am able to fundraise, the sillier I will make my costume. Above all, I just want to see you smile.

So Why Choose Mental Health UK?
Mental Health UK is dedicated to providing essential support and resources to individuals and families affected by mental health challenges. With a focus on collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity, they are at the forefront of driving positive change within the mental health landscape.

Together, we can make a difference. Join us in fundraising for Mental Health UK and be a catalyst for change in the fight for mental wellness. Every donation, no matter how big or small, brings us one step closer to a world where mental health is treated with the same importance as physical health. Let's turn awareness into action and create a brighter future for all.

My Achievements

Has Fundraising Page

Updated Profile Pic

Thanked Donor

Increased Fundraising Target

Self Donated

Raised £200

50% of Fundraising Target

Reached Fundraising Goal

My Updates

Check in ♡

Monday 5th Aug
Check in on your friends - all of them - never presume someone is doing okay just because they don't show visible signs of distress. Every message is appreciated, no matter how small you think it is 🤍

The Semicolon

Wednesday 31st Jul
In the English language, the semicolon is a punctuation mark that represents where a sentence could end, but the author has chosen to continue it further. In mental health, the semicolon is representative of a person struggling with their 'inner demons' to the point that they have felt that ending their life is the only way to end their pain, but have chosen not to do so and decided to continue living. When you see a person wearing a semicolon- whether as a tattoo, a piece of jewellery, an item of clothing... be gentle with them. That semicolon represents their personal battle with suicide or self harm; or perhaps represents someone who meant a lot to them who suffered/ is suffering. My semicolon was my first tattoo and will always be my most important. The journey I rode to find the bravery to do this was a long, hard one, and extremely emotional. I regret none of it. It's my reminder of life, and of those that struggle with it. That on my darkest, loneliest days, I'm not truly alone. It's also a reminder to be gentle to myself and to others, no matter the circumstance, because you can never know what someone is going through. One kind word or gesture could be the saving grace for someone stumbling on life's edge. When I see someone representing a semicolon, it's a beacon to me; we intimately understand some level of each other's pain and can be there for each other. All we need to do is reach out. If you wear a semicolon, and also if you don't, I wish you gentleness and peace from your pain. It won't always be bad 💙


Monday 29th Jul
Do you know how many people just in the UK suffer with PTSD or C-PTSD? Almost 3 million. That's over 2.6 million diagnoses of non-complex PTSD, with additional figures of those diagnosed with complex PTSD.

This disorder is terrifying to those who suffer with it. Imagine having to relive your worst traumas over and over again, because your brain is struggling to comprehend what you have been through. How do you heal from that?

Charities like Mental Health UK are here to not just support those of us living with PTSD and C-PTSD, but to educate those of us who aren't, on how to support individuals suffering.

If you're reading this and want to reach out, please feel free to message me directly. You're not alone 💙

Intro 💙

Sunday 28th Jul
Hey you, thank you for pausing to read this.

 I'm going to try to post little blogs over the next months to highlight the real seriousness of mental health illnesses in our country. I welcome conversation to any post.

Mental Health isn't taken as seriously as it should be, with people both not seeking treatment due to shame; or people being untreated due to misdiagnosis and/or lack of supports available. 

Despite wider acceptance in our current society, mental illness is still frowned upon by many and as such patients are not always able to find appropriate care.

From personal experiences, direct and indirect, I have witnessed the horrors that come with poor mental health. The shrapnel caused by the explosion of a single diagnosis is extreme. Many non-patient individuals are affected and incapable of handling or supporting a person suffering, whether from a low level diagnosis such as anxiety, or something as intense as bipolar disorder.

Mental Health UK understand that a minimum of 25% of our population need mental health treatment and aim to support both patients and allies.

I am doing this fundraiser not just for my personal attachments to the cause, but because I truly believe it's a cause worthy of support.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Adam Gerasimidis

You are always the first to support others with understanding, compassion and kindness. You’re a fantastic representative for a fantastic cause 😊



I am so grateful at how quickly I have been supported in reaching £100 in donations!! As promised, I am donating a further amount to mark the goal. Let's reach £200 together! 💙


Sheila Garcia

Good luck, worthy cause. Charlotte's noni (nanny)




Kanika Lal


Bianca (char's Mama)

Good luck, an excellent cause. Xx


Char And Jude

So proud of you 🤍


Willow Hunter



Will always support xx



Always would support this 🌟❤️


Craig Bishop

Hey poopie


Sahiba Tember

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