Lesley-Anne Hunter

GLOW Edinburgh

Join the Movement: Fundraising for Mental Health UK

Support Mental Health: A Cause Close to My Heart

Mental health challenges have touched my life in ways I could never have anticipated. Whether through my own personal struggles or witnessing the battles faced by loved ones, I’ve experienced firsthand the profound impact mental health issues can have on every aspect of life.

But in those challenging moments, I’ve also witnessed the incredible power of support, understanding, and professional care. These are lifelines that can make all the difference for someone who feels lost in the darkness. This is why I’m committed to raising funds for mental health initiatives—no one should have to face these challenges alone.

In an effort to demonstrate that we are all capable of more than we believe, I’ve decided to take on a personal challenge: completing a 20k ‘Glow’ walk . For someone who’s never ran or walked more than 10k in one go, this is a daunting task. But I believe that, just like with mental health, with the right support and determination, we can achieve what we once thought was impossible. Mental health issues can affect anyone at any time and at any age. It doesn't discriminate.

Your donation, no matter the size, can help provide vital resources to those who need them most. Together, we can break the stigma, offer hope, and create a world where mental health is treated with the importance it deserves.

Thank you for standing with me in this important cause.

Why Choose Mental Health UK?

Mental Health UK is dedicated to providing essential support and resources to individuals and families impacted by mental health challenges. Their commitment to collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity makes them a leader in driving positive change within the mental health landscape.

Together, we can make a real difference. By fundraising for Mental Health UK, you’ll be a catalyst for change in the fight for mental wellness. Every donation, big or small, brings us closer to a world where mental health is given the same priority as physical health. Let’s turn awareness into action and create a brighter, healthier future for all.

My Achievements

Has Fundraising Page

Updated Profile Pic

Thanked Donor

Increased Fundraising Target

Self Donated

Raised £200

50% of Fundraising Target

Reached Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Stuart Hutson

Excellent cause, Lesley-Anne. Something very close to my heart.


Linda O'donnell

Good luck Lesley Anne x


Kate Mclelland


Susan And Derek

Good luck Lesley Ann, a worthy cause xx




Jane Dey

Good luck with the walk x




Jen Hazelton

Such an important cause, Lesley-Anne. Thank you for doing this, and wishing you all the best with your GLOW walk.


Shari Bull

Good luck! You have got this x


Martin Love

You have this. Your stronger than you think. x x x

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