Jade Bailey

GLOW London 2024

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Mental Health UK

Friday 16th Aug
Being an individual who has always struggled with mental health since being a young girl, seeing family and friends struggle and even losing friends due to mental health. I truly believe more care and support needs to be given to people who fall into this category but also people who are at risk of falling into this category. 

So many individuals are forgotten about and left within the cracks of the NHS and even to this day there's a high stigma on the subject.

This will be the second event that I have taken part in which supports the cause of mental health because I believe it needs improving. If you have ever struggled with mental health or had to witness someone you care for struggle, you will understand. For those who have been lucky enough to not have experienced any struggles then try to have compassion and empathy for others.

I will be taking part in the GLOW London 20km walk on the 19th October 2024. 

Therefore, I ask you to try and find it in your hearts to donate towards this fundraiser. No matter how little the donation is, it shows your support for the matter and will make a huge change. 


WE GOT THIS! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Alexandra Attwood


Kerryanne Bailey

Love you jadee ❤️

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