Ffion Jenkins

GLOW London 2024

Fundraising for Mental Health UK - Let's get walking!

On October 19th 2024 I will be participating in Mental Health UK's 20km GLOW Walk. 

As someone who has significant experience with mental health issues, the decision to support and raise money for this amazing charity was a very easy one. I wanted to give back to the organisations that provide fantastic support and are there when you need them. 

I will be walking alongside my boyfriend Euan and with the support of my friends and family who have carried me through those low days and hard times. They have also helped me to celebrate some of my greatest achievements and recognise the journey I have been on to get to this point. 

Mental Health UK is dedicated to providing essential support and resources to individuals and families affected by mental health challenges. With a focus on collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity, they are at the forefront of driving positive change within the mental health landscape.

Please support my fundraising efforts in whatever way you can. This can be in the form of a donation, if you are able to, or by spreading the word about acknowledging and speaking out about mental health. 

My Achievements

Has Fundraising Page

Updated Profile Pic

Thanked Donor

Increased Fundraising Target

Self Donated

Raised £200

50% of Fundraising Target

Reached Fundraising Goal