Ellie Rhodes

GLOW London 2024

I am fundraising for Mental Health

This is about raising awareness, helping to provide essential support and information to both those experiencing mental health issues and their families and friends and a personal journey to improve my own mental health.

I am hoping to raise money and get people talking about something that is still avoided, viewed negatively and shameful. I have always been vocal about my own struggles in the hope this helps others to feel able to speak, able to experience hardship without feeling it is the end of the world and feeling ashamed of themselves.

Everyone goes through something at some point in their life and everyone deserves a place to go for information, support and advice. 

Mental health is a daily battle for me, but I plan to use the next 40 days (and after ofc) to focus on what I can do to not only improve my own health, but how I can help others going through it so... any donations big or small, any shares on socials, anyone who wants to come for walks with me in the run up (bare with on the fitness) or anyone who wants to join me on the day - any and all support is appreciated more than you will ever understand.

Thank you x

My Achievements

Has Fundraising Page

Updated Profile Pic

Thanked Donor

Increased Fundraising Target

Self Donated

Raised £200

50% of Fundraising Target

Reached Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Aniyah King





Ty Rhodes

Easy work. 👍👍👍👍


Georgia Oram

Good luck Ell, so proud of you! 💖


Jade Daft


Kimberley Oram

Good luck Ellie, what a challenge!! But will be so worth it, you'll smash it girl! 😍🥰😘


Sara Rhodes

So proud of you 🌟💞

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