Holly & Robb

GLOW London 2024

Join the Movement: Fundraising for Mental Health UK

Mental Health UK isn’t just a charity—it’s a lifeline for individuals and families navigating the complexities of mental health. Their work is personal, compassionate, and grounded in the belief that no one should face these challenges alone. By focusing on collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity, they are actively transforming the mental health landscape for the better.

This cause is close to my heart, which is why I’ve decided to take part in the annual GLOW night walk in London on Saturday 19th October. I'll be walking 20km to raise awareness and funds for Mental Health UK. 

It’s my way of turning my passion into action—and I’d love for you to be part of this journey. Whether you’re able to make a donation or even join me on the walk, every bit of support helps. 

Together, we can truly make a difference. No matter how big or small, each donation brings us closer to a world where mental health is given the same care and attention as physical health. 

Let’s not just raise awareness—let’s take meaningful action and help build a brighter, healthier future for everyone. 

Thank you for standing by me and supporting a cause that’s so important. Your generosity and encouragement mean the world.

Our Achievements

Has Fundraising Page

Updated Profile Pic

Increased Fundraising Target

50% of Team Fundraising Target

Amount Raised £1,000

Thank you to our Sponsors



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