Hawkins Walkings

31 Miles in May: Move it for Mental Health 2024

Our Mental Health Journey

Mental health is something that the two of us have always struggled with, so this is a cause close to our hearts. Not everyone has the same support network that we do, and we could not be more thankful for the people we do have. We decided that we are going to try and give back, by raising money for this amazing charity. Thank you for any donations, no matter how big or small!!

Team Updates

We’re On The Way!!

We’ve hit our target!!! No excuses for us now. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far!
We did a short walk around Ferry Meadows today and met Eric the bird. Really enjoying seeing what nature we can find while we are doing out walks.

Day 2

Day 2 of walking 31 miles for May. We did day 1 already but we didn't get chance to make a blog post about it! It is a lovely sunny day today and we thought what better way to enjoy the sun than go for a walk and treat ourselves to a drink at the pub afterwards. We were planning on just doing a walk around the village but decided to go to the rowing lakes to make the most of the weather and the fresh air. Really glad we did as we met Homer The Heron. It's the first walk that we are doing during our Annual Leave and we are very much ready to clear the brain fog of work and this has definitely helped. We just want to say thank you to all those who have sponsored us and we are £26 off our target and that was before it was even May. It honestly means a lot to us, we don't express our emotions very well (mainly Steve) but we are genuinely so grateful.

T-minus 9 days!

Olivia here! 

Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has donated so far! It isn't even May and the love and support we have received so far has been amazing.

Don't worry there is still plenty of time to donate if you want, if you can't donate that's okay too!

Remember it is okay to feel the way you feel.

Love Hawkins Walkings

Thank you to our Sponsors


Louise Murphy-mohr


Richard Williams

Best of luck with your challenge guys, for a great cause too :)


Vikki Collins


Maz Pickering

You've got this guys, so proud of you two and amazing that you've already hit your fundraising goal! Keep going - we're all supporting you! X


Joanna And Mark


Tracy Tindall

Good luck both of you


Jordan Wilson


Pauline Crouch

Good luck on your journey dears


Andrew Davy


Jill Davy


Daniel Quick


Darren + Rachel Hawkins

Good Luck guys


Lisa Fraser

Good luck Olivia & Steve Love Lisa, Danielle & Ollie. Xxx


Steve Hawkins

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